Originally published at: https://www.rangersnews.uk/news/rangers-ease-fan-worries-with-castore-retail-partnership-statement/
Rangers have reiterated “for the avoidance of doubt” that the Ibrox club’s retail deal with Castore is a relationship solely between those two partners. The club’s comments come after Sports Direct trolled supporters with a Facebook post about “exclusively” selling the club’s kits come the 1st of August. Naturally, this evoked an emotional reaction from…
Hey hey hey, another epic fail, for, in all probability an unwashed obsessed infiltrator trying to take the shine off a positive lucrative outcome for Rangers.
The green eyed monster raising it’s ugly head.
The trouble is, RFC have confirmed that we do not have an agreement with Sports Direct. BUT, nobody has categorically said that Castore do NOT have a connection with SD and the Fat Bastard.
They did release a statement denying he was their largest shareholder, but they did not say he had no shareholding. He could be their second largest shareholder for all we know.
I can see why they have to have a business relationship with him as SD are a major retailer. But I would be v pissed off if he has access to any special deals allowing him preferential deals when it comes to our money.
7.2m was invested in Castore before the end of February 2020 allowing the business to expand.
The 5 investors are.
Andy Murray
Arnaud Massenet
Robert Senior
Redice Ventures
Tom Singh
There is no Sports Direct, House of Fraser or Mike Ashley connected to Castore.