No forwards, no title

I’m going to expect a wee bit of flak here for being anti Stevie G but I don’t think I’ve ever Felt as ‘meh’ about a football season. Why? Well, I think Steven and the gang are repeating all the same mistakes.

Are we better than in Aberdeen two years ago? I’d argue, no. Same second half of the season collapse, same struggle to kill games and break down defensive teams. The pre-season doesn’t count - teams always tend to play more expansively. It was still the same old crosses into nobody though.

The big issue is, forwards. Having watched Rangers win titles over a 40 year period it comes down to a simple equation. Goals for versus goals against.

To win a title you need two strikers who’ll score 20 plus goals a season. Not just a 37 year old goal poacher who is injury prone. You need a battering ram too.

I’m not sure why we are always buying midfielders, and getting substandard Liverpool reserves, when buying a guy with goals in him like Lawrence Shankland is out of the question. Even big Cosgrove would be an option. He knows where the goals are.

It’s dead simple. To win in Scotland you need goals. It doesn’t need to be pretty but it needs to be effective. Tommy Wright would know the script better.

I’ll make a prediction. No striker - well behind by New Year - Stevie G gone by January.

I hope I’m wrong and will happily take the pelters if I am.

Sack the manager and almost certainly his entire back room staff including Micheal Beale will go with him and possibly Ross Wilson that would mean a complete reset do you think players such as Aribo or Hagi etc will hang around? Who would you want Barry Ferguson or Kriss Boyd? I don’t doubt that if Rangers don’t win the league this year the Gerrard haters will get their way and we all know what team will benefit from this, given all the disruption a reset would create they could even start thinking of 15iar

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No one wants to lose Stevie G and the consequences of the whole scale changes that would go with that. However, James has a valid point about strikers. We seem just to want creative midfielders. Whilst games are generally won in midfield, James is 100% right in that we need at least two fully fit goalscorers. I wish I had seen Millar and Brand but I have seen Johnstone and Smith, and McCoist and Hateley. Oh, just hope we get out and out strikers soon. Keep believing though. WATP.

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Listen guys all the moaning ain’t going to change anything at this time we can’t buy a top class striker and to be honest I wouldn’t won’t to buy from any Scottish club everyone are and would try to rip us off the players we have need to shoulder some of the responsibility for the collapse last season we are one game in and your already moaning let’s get behind the club not against it let’s create a winning mentality. We must stop ten in a row or we will never hear the end of it come on gers for the jersey and the pride of the club play as a team not as individuals we are stronger together

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Kemar Roofe done deal & Cedric Itten imminently.
No surrender watp

I just watched Itten’s goals on the you tube… looks proper talented the lad… all types of finishes from all over the box. Headers, taps ins, front post, back post, fast, strong, cracking in the air, and can sink the fucker from proper range. Looks to be a far more complete striker than Morelos and/or Defoe.
Also watched Roofe too… he looks proper class that boy. Strong as fuck and proper hard working. Breaks the lines all across the front, and looks to be an absolute bastard to play against. Knows where the goal is too.
Probably wouldn’t happen much due to Stevie Gs system and reluctance to change setup, but the two of them up front would give every Scottish team proper headaches. And I include the bheasts and their gash defence in that.

Itten looks the part. Big and strong with something about him.

These signings allay some of the fears I had.

Let’s just hope that SG plays them together. Playing one up front in Scotland…sigh

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Used the word Proper 5 times in that paragraph. Not good. :flushed: